Monday, May 01, 2006

Thanks to the hard work of a friend (thank-you, Austin!!), we now have our computer repaired and back here at home for daily use. It is so nice to have it working for emails and such, and it makes posting on the blog really easy now too! :)

Things are keeping busy around the Ulmer house. Seth was playing basketball with some home-school friends Friday night and sprained his ankle. It kept him pretty still for the week-end, but it must be feeling better today because he spent the afternoon fixing the lawn mower and then mowing the yard (which needed to be mowed badly)!!! Tomorrow he hopes to return to work, if he can move around on it enough. It was wonderful to have him around the house a little more this week-end, and today.
We had a lovely day on Sunday with our friends the Edelmans coming over for home-church and lunch. The Ansons joined us too, and we had a great time of fellowship.
Scott and Lydia stayed for supper with us, and we had one of those fun family meal-time conversations. You know how it goes; you are all just talking about the weather and the upcoming week and then some one makes a comment and then the conversation is suddenly on what would happen if your eyes were on each shoulder instead of on your head.........:)

Dad is getting down to the last 3 weeks of the term at the school where he teaches. It is hard to believe the school year went that fast!!!
We'll keep you updated. Now that the computer is back, we'll be able to post more often.
Signing Off.

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