Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Catch-up Post!

Our fall was a full one! We raised another 400 birds this fall and butchered them two days before our first snowfall!! It's great to have snow after ALL the birds are butchered!!

Silas helps with the packaging.

Moses experimented with getting some turkeys this Spring, but we received them right before we left for the East Coast, so he lost most of them while we were gone. He was able to keep a couple of the alive and we butchered this big one for Thanksgiving.

Chicken- it's what's for dinner.

Happy Helpers.

Moses gutting.
Tabitha is our most speedy & efficient worker. She runs the scalder, the plucker AND does all the packaging!
We weren't going to be able to get together for Thanksgiving, but at last minute, plans changed and we were all able to spend two days together!! We have so much to be thankful for!!
Silas, Philip & Gigi.

Dad, Philip & Gigi.

In the evening we enjoyed playing the chimes together. We purchased the chimes this summer, but this was the first time that all of us had been able to play together.

Gigi & the grandboys!

Nana & Will.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE all the fabulous pictures!! The chimes look so fun! The picture of Mrs. Ulmer and Will is so precious!

Miss you guys!

Verda said...

Wow, that is amazing. Did the playing together go well? Come play for us in SE Kansas! :)

The Mayo Family said...

Sweet pictures, sweet family!
Good to see yall!
blessings, our love & prayers...
The Mayo's