Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Visit- Part 2!

Usually, when we have guests, schedules get a little jumbled up. You know how it goes- bedtime slips later and in the morning, the alarm clock is shoved out of sight (or sound!)! This visit was a exception. It was decided that anyone who wished, would make a fishing expedition at first light, and hopefully, the fish would bite!!!! So they set their alarms for 5:00!!!! A few of us were left behind to do chicken chores, make breakfast and get other things ready for the day (and maybe get a little more sleep!!)!!
It was a beautiful morning!!!!

Mauri's not sure if she really likes this thing called fishing!

Way-to-go, Parker!!!

Joshua's fish!!!!

Around nine, the hungry fishermen and fisher-ladies, returned home for breakfast- Mommy and Aunt Judy made egg casserole, and Esther made cinnamon rolls (she and Seth got home late Saturday night). After breakfast, we all gathered in the living room for worship. It was a special time, reading the scripture, singing, and praising our Awesome God together!!!! Posted by Picasa

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