Thursday, November 27, 2008

Give Thanks.

We're now able to have regular, un-impeded access to blogger once again!! I'd almost forgotten what it feels like to open up a new window, type in and actually have my dashboard pop up. These past few weeks have seen me trying various methods of trying to solve the problem. You know, like spending a very long hour troubleshooting, then checking to see if I'd fixed the problem only to find that I'd deleted half of our archives by mistake (thankfully I was able to retreive them!!)! And then, terrorized with the thought that I could really do something permanent to the blog, completely ignoring, and hoping that maybe it'll just fix itself. Then I finally narrowed it down-- it wasn't some corrupted html that was blocking us out, but actually a filter on our computer. So today, after a 7 minute conversation with the customer support person, we're now back in business!!
And after long weeks of staring at the same old posts on our blog, unable to upload new posts, it's truly tempting to create dozens of new blog posts for this sadly neglected blog, showing you all the wonderful pictures and updates I've been compiling. But with the clock chiming a late hour (or is it a early hour??), and our family scheduled to depart on a 3-day trip to visit family first thing tomorrow morning , I just quickly uploaded one post. But it's not such a shabby post after all, so maybe you'll want to check it out!!!!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day; a day when we're reminded to express our gratefulness to the Lord. But don't forget each day to thank Him-- for life, for family, for provision, for freedom, for salvation. For the blessings; big and small.
And thank Him because He's always there, and He's always listening!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving ya'll!!
"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful."
Colossians 3:15


Unknown said...

My brother wants me to ask exactly what you did to get blogger to work again for you. :) You see, we have Bsafe protection and haven't been able to directly access since we got it! Just wondering... maybe a 7 minute conversation on the phone will solve things for us too. ;) Thanks for any help you can give!

Klahn Family said...

Yes!!!!! More blog posts! Here is one happy camper. ;) I can't wait to see all the promised posts. But now I guess I'll have to get blogging again . . . .

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, as I remember all those special memories of last year being with you!

Thank you Elizabeth, for all your hard work figuring out the problem with blogger!

Love you so much!

Jacob said...

Welcome back online! I'm looking forward to more updates and photos.

I have been challenged this week not just to be thankful IN everything (I Thess 5:18), but also FOR everything.

"Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Eph 5:20)

Now that you're back online, be sure to stop by my blog and leave a comment. :)

Have a happy Thanksgiving! Peace.

In His Image Photography said...

Great job in figuring out what the problem was!
Can't wait for some new posts! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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